By Gilbert Mercier The illusion of democracy The Gilets Jaunes movement took most observers and so-called experts in France and worldwide entirely by surprise, but it was actually completely predictable. The crisis simmered below the radars of France’s politicians, media, as well as those who considered themselves the enlightened figures of the intelligentsia for […]
Browsing Category: December 2018 issue
Are the Gilets Jaunes Today’s Sans-Culottes?
By Gilbert Mercier “Pour le peuple, il y a toujours la misère!” Anonymous Gilet Jaune From the Island of La Reunion to the Napoleonic symbol that is the Arc de Triomphe, through big and small towns, as well as the usually bucolic countryside in France, there is something special in the air: the smell of […]
Assange’s integrity remains unwavering in the face of heightened threats to his health, safety and freedom
What is the Assange case all about? By Prof. Marcello Ferrada de Noli . It is about the situation of the publisher of an important news outlet, where the information “goal is justice, the method is transparency”. A recently published story in Newsweek, headed “Prosecuting Assange is Essential for Restoring our National Security”, carries […]