Part 4 in the series “Karina Shyrokykh & Martin Kragh Disinforming About Disinformation”* (Part 1 here) (Part 2 here) (Part 3 here) By Marcello Ferrada de Noli. Professor Emeritus of Epidemiology, esp. injury epidemiology, MED.DR. (Karolinska Institute, Sweden). Founder, Swedish Professors and Doctors for Human Rights (SWEDHR) Setting the record straight about 1) What The […]
What is “Disinformation” According to The Experts in Disinforming
Part 3 in the series “Karina Shyrokykh & Martin Kragh Disinforming About Disinformation”* (Part 1 here) (Part 2 here) (Part 4 here) By Marcello Ferrada de Noli. Professor Emeritus of Epidemiology, esp. injury epidemiology, MED.DR. (Karolinska Institute, Sweden). Founder, Swedish Professors and Doctors for Human Rights –SWEDHR What is disinformation and what is information? How […]
Credibility in Publishing: Does ‘Perceived Legitimacy’ Outweigh Factual Accuracy?
Part 2 in the series “Karina Shyrokykh & Martin Kragh Disinforming About Disinformation”* (Part 1 here) (Part 3 here) (Part 4 here) By Marcello Ferrada de Noli. Professor Emeritus of Epidemiology, esp. injury epidemiology, MED.DR. (Karolinska Institute, Sweden). Founder, Swedish Professors and Doctors for Human Rights (SWEDHR) I will show here that, in the context […]
Karina Shyrokykh & Martin Kragh Disinforming About Disinformation
By Prof. Marcello Ferrada de Noli. Professor Emeritus of Epidemiology, esp. injury epidemiology, MED.DR. (Karolinska Institute, Sweden). Founder, Swedish Professors and Doctors for Human Rights (SWEDHR) Part I. Introduction * (Part 2 here) (Part 3 here) (Part 4 here) In “Black knight NGOs and international disinformation”,[1] Associate professors Karina Shyrokykh and Martin Kragh describe […]
On recent alarms of Marburg virus outbreak
No evidence Marburg virus is airborne, like COVID-19. However the case fatality rate for Marburg virus disease is much higher. It is reported that in certain areas of Africa can be reach up to 80%. In countries like in Europe –or others with a similar developed health care– mortality rate is much less, and estimated […]
The current missile crisis in the Ukraine war. Is WW3 inevitable? Sorry, I think yes, unless…
A comparison of the warmongering situation in EU vs. US * By Professor Emeritus Marcello Ferrada de Noli (Sweden), The Indicter chief-editor I have previously compared the stand-off situation that took place recently (12 Sept) between NATO and Russia regarding Ukraine, with the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962, adverting on the real risk of a […]
How the dissimilar political idiosyncrasy in the EU and US can ultimately shape a protracted proxy war in Ukraine and increase the risk of a war with Russia
This article explores political idiosyncratic differences between the US and EU countries, including the political conduct of government elites, and which may determine a divergent decision-making (US vs EU) regarding Ukraine and recent threats of a military confrontation between NATO and Russia. It touches upon issues such as degrees of xenophobic behaviour towards Russia, and […]
Global Assange Amnesty Network (GAAN) call upon Amnesty International to declare Julian Assange a Prisoner of Conscience retroactively
We are members of the Global Assange Amnesty Network (GAAN) representing Amnesty International members from Australia, Belgium, France, Italy, Spain, Uruguay, the US and UK sections. We have also been leading or supporting campaigns for Press Freedom and Julian Assange, through Amnesty International (AI) and other relevant organisations: Adelaide for Assange, Assange Defense, Free Assange Wave (FAW) and The Committee […]
“The European Union leadership is a club of losers”
By Marcello Ferrada de Noli From the RNN interview: “The latest composition of the EC included such characters that people would never have chosen on their own. These are all politicians from national governments with portfolios of failures, noted Marcello Ferrada de Noli, emeritus professor and a Swedish human rights activist.” ‘The European Union leadership […]
“Assange was saved by the U.S. presidential race” – But, can he feel safe?
By Prof Marcello Ferrada de Noli 1. What motivated President Biden the release of Assange on June 26? Assange’s lawyer Jennifer Robinson said that “diplomacy and intense lobbying with the highest authorities in the U.S. played a big role in Assange walking free”. Besides Australia, other notable international campaigning in favour of Assange’ release […]