Debunking U.S. Secretary Blinken’s and German Foreign Minister Baerbock’s statements on Ukraine presidential elections

Regarding Blinken’s fallacies recently repeated by Annalena Baerbock, on why presidential elections in Ukraine are “not possible”

By Prof. Marcello Ferrada de Noli, chief editor

Recently, during a visit to Kiev to be bestowed with a honour medal by a thankful Zelensky, Germany´s foreign minister Anna Lena Baerbock repeated the same fallacious conclusion of US Secretary Anthony Blinken –regarding why presidential elections in Ukraine are not possible in these moments.


“So as long as Russia occupies territories, there will not be an election, even if there is a long term ceasefire“.


1) The 2019 presidential election won by Zelensky, was held despite the “occupied territories due to the war in Donbass or annexation by Russia ” See graphic bellow:

2) In 2019, while the presidential election took place, there was a long term ceasefire stipulated by the Minsk agreements. That “long term ceasefire”, despite multiple violations, was not obstacle for the 2019 presidential election, and to elect Zelensky.

Blinken is thus wrong. And so is, again, “We-are-in-war-against-Russia” Annalena Baerbock.

This below is sourced in “Euromaidan Press” own acknowledgment about the actual feasibility of holding  presidential election in Ukraine, even  “under territories occupied by Russia”:

“34,544,993 people are eligible to vote in the (2019) elections, however, about 12% – most of the voters who reside in the Russia-occupied territories of Crimea and parts of the East-Ukrainian Luhansk and Donetsk oblasts – won’t be able to participate in the elections.”



The above statements by Secretary Blinken came days after he stated this other illusory view on U.S. foreign affairs: