Browsing Category: COVID-19

US targeted Chinese Covid vaccine to kill competition – expert

A Reuters report revealed the Pentagon spread disinformation about Sinovac shots in Asia at the height of the pandemic (Interview with Prof. Marcello Ferrada de Noli published in 16 June 2024 The alleged Pentagon-staged social media campaign targeting China’s Covid vaccine was likely a case of trying to suppress competition, Marcello Ferrada de Noli, […]

Geopolitics of the immoral pandemic

An epidemiological and geopolitical analysis of Western powers illicit campaigns in the COVID-19 vaccine front By Marcello Ferrada de Noli, Swedish professor emeritus of epidemiology, former research fellow at Harvard Medical School, and founder of the geopolitical magazine The Indicter. It is said that Nikita Khruschev once stated, “The survivors would envy the dead”. Nevertheless […]

Debunking SvD article on “vaccines disinformation-campaign”

AstraZeneca setbacks. Swedish Contingencies Agency blames  disinformation campaign by “foreign powers”. On article in Swedish paper SvD blaming Russia for “disinformation campaign” against the AstraZeneca  vaccine, and SvD interview with The Indicter chief editor. . By Prof. Marcello Ferrada de Noli . There are three sections in this publication: Section 1. Introduction Section 2. List […]

La alta tasa de letalidad por Covid-19 en Suecia y porqué el modelo neoliberal de inmunidad de rebaño no debe ser imitado en América Latina

En la foto: Anders Tegnell, el arquitecto de la estrategia sueca del coronavirus, en un bar en Estocolmo, el 28 de mayo de 2020. Hacia entonces, Suecia había registrado las muertes por Covid-19 per cápita más altas de Europa. El autor destaca la ausencia de ‘distanciamiento social’ observado por los huéspedes del bar, a pesar […]

Covid-19 case fatality rate in Sweden and neighbouring countries. Why Swedish herd immunity model should not be followed

By Marcello Ferrada de Noli, professor emeritus of epidemiology. Formerly at Karolinska Institute, Sweden, and Harvard Medical School. Chair,  Swedish Doctors for Human Rights SWEDHR The elderly have comprised the vast majority of Covid-19 fatalities in Sweden, either dying in care homes or their own residence, often alone.  By mid-May 2020, only 13 percent of […]

Tegnell’s choice of words shows Sweden’s strategy

By Rodrigo Ferrada Stoehrel, Ph.D. The Indicter Editor’s note: This analysis was published as Letter to the Editor in the Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter, 25 August 2020. The article’s original title is ”Tegnells ordval visar Sveriges strategi” . Translated from Swedish by The Indicter, with the author’s permission. “LETTER TO THE EDITOR. The Swedish Public […]

Professor Marcello Ferrada de Noli: “Sweden could perfectly have avoided its catastrophe”

By Marisol Aliaga, chief editor of Magazin Latino, Sweden. [This is a machine-translation from the original text published in Spanish] In an interview with Magazin Latino, epidemiology expert Marcello Ferrada de Noli affirms that “the herd immunity strategy managed by the Swedish authorities has caused five times more deaths in Sweden than in all neighboring […]

Sweden’s Covid-19 strategy has resulted in a conclusive disaster

This is a translation of the extended, full version, of the interview in newspaper La Tercera, published (Spanish) July, 10, 2020. Questions by journalist Fernando Fuentes, Diario La Tercera, Chile. Answers: Prof. Dr. Marcello Ferrada de Noli, professor emeritus of epidemiology in Sweden, former Research Fellow at Harvard Medical School, former associate professor of epidemiology […]

La estrategia sueca contra el Covid-19 ha resultado en un fracaso concluyente. Entrevista en La Tercera

Esta es la version completa de la entrevista en diario La Tercera, Chile, publicada el 10 de julio del 2020. Preguntas del Periodista Fernando Fuentes, Diario La Tercera, Chile. Respuestas: Prof. Dr. Marcello Ferrada de Noli, profesor emérito de epidemiología en Suecia, ex profesor agregado de epidemiología en la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad […]