Browsing Category: WikiLeaks

What the arrest of Assange means for human rights of all

By Prof Marcello Ferrada de Noli, chairman of Swedish Doctors for Human Rights, SWEDHR Outside Westminster Magistrates Court, April 11, 2019. Photo by Erik Sanberg, Associate Editor at The Indicter Magazine We have repeatedly expounded the issue of right to existence as the primary of all human rights, and of human rights for all. War […]

Julian Assange moves to force Trump administration to reveal charges against him, and to compel Ecuador to prevent his extradition to the U.S.

MEDIA RELEASE: Lawyers for Julian Assange have filed an urgent application to the Inter-American Commission of Human Rights (IACHR), based in Washington D.C., to direct the Trump Administration to unseal the charges it has secretly filed against Mr. Assange. They are also asking the Commission to compel Ecuador to cease its espionage activities against Mr. […]

Assange’s integrity remains unwavering in the face of heightened threats to his health, safety and freedom

  What is the Assange case all about? By Prof. Marcello Ferrada de Noli . It is about the situation of the publisher of an important news outlet, where the information “goal is justice, the method is transparency”. A recently published story in Newsweek, headed “Prosecuting Assange is Essential for Restoring our National Security”, carries […]

The Significance of WikiLeaks as Invention of the World’s First True Free Press

By Nozomi Hayase, PhD, Member of The Indicter‘s Editorial Board. WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange remains in solitary confinement inside the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, where he was granted asylum in 2012 against the threat of extradition to the United States for his publishing activities. In recent months, Ecuador’s President Lenin Moreno, under pressure from the […]

Why Americans Need to Defend Julian Assange’s Freedom

Criminalizing the act of publishing through the Espionage Act destroys the First Amendment as the guardian of democracy. By Nozomi Hayase, PhD, Member of The Indicter‘s Editorial Board. Over 50 years ago, in his letter from the Birmingham Jail, addressing a struggle of the civil right era, Martin Luther King Jr. wrote, “We will have […]

UK Threaten Assange As Sweden Withdraw Accusations

By Andrew Kreig, J.D., M.S.L., attorney and journalist. Member of the Editorial Board, and Associate Editor of The Indicter Magazine. British authorities threatened WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange with arrest on a bond-jumping charge last week after their Swedish counterparts gave up trying to investigate Assange on what appears to have been a dubious series of […]

Joint us in signing Open Letter to President Trump: Close investigation on WikiLeaks, drop any charges against Assange

Open Letter to President Trump: Dear President Trump, We are journalists, activists and citizens from the United States and around the world who care about press freedom and are writing to you in response to the latest threat of prosecution against WikiLeaks for its journalistic work. We ask you to immediately close the Grand Jury […]

Declaración de Swedish Swedish Professors & Doctors For Human Rights (SWEDHR) for Human Rights sobre el asilo de Ecuador a Julián Assange

Prof. Marcello Ferrada de Noli, PhD. Presidente de la organización Swedish Doctors for Human Rights, SWEDHR. English summary: The real political reasons why Sweden and UK illegally detain Julian Assange As widely known, the panel of the United Nations [UNGWAD] who thoroughly examined the case of the detention of Mr Assange, concluded [1] that the […]

Filling the Phantom of Democracy with Our Networked Power

By Nozomi Hayase, Ph.D. Member of The Indicter Editorial Board. After the Electoral College vote, the Trump presidency is now official. As denial and blame games continue, this was not a ‘foreign government coup d’état’, clarified by U.S. Intelligence Chief James Clapper, noting that agencies lacked evidence for WikiLeaks’ connection with alleged Russian cyber-attacks. The […]