Report to Medieombudsmannen ref. article in Swedish paper SvD on AstraZeneca vaccine international setbacks: Defamatory, untrue, misses journalistic ethics. A true example of character execution. By Professor Marcello Ferrada de Noli. Doctor of medicine in psychiatry. Prof. Emeritus of Public-Health Epidemiology. Chief editor of The Indicter Magazine Contents Summary: Introduction. The case “Role” [a], […]
Browsing Category: Media analysis
April 2020 / COVID-19 / Freedom of Expression / Human Rigths / Media analysis / Sweden
One Swedish academic quotes another Swedish academic on flaws of Sweden’s Covid-19 policy… and that’s RUSSIAN propaganda according to Swedish journalists
By Marcello Ferrada de Noli, Swedish professor emeritus of public health sciences esp. epidemiology, former Research Fellow at Harvard Medical School. A Swedish professor Cecilia Soderberg-Naucler has been harshly criticized for sharing an article on Sweden’s failed coronavirus strategy not because of its content, but because it was published by RT. An exceptionally talented Swedish […]