War Crimes report: The executions of Russian POW by Ukraine troops

By Prof. Marcello Ferrada de Noli,

Founder of Swedish Professors & Doctors for Human Rights – SWEDHR

This SWEDHR report documenting executions of Russian POW by Ukraine forces, includes the complete series of previous published videos in The Indicter Channel at YouTube, some of which have later been deleted by You Tube. Separate episodes have previously been published in The Indicter. Warning for some rough scenes.



New executions at point-blank of Russian prisoners by Ukraine forces

Click on image below, or on the link, for the video “New executions of Russian prisoners –First Part”
[uploaded 8 February 2023]

New executions of Russian prisoners- First Part

Click on image below, or on the link, for the video “New executions of Russian prisoners –Second Part”
[uploaded 11 February 2023]

New execution of Russian prisoners by Ukraine forces. Second Part




Three visible executions od Russian POW done at point-blank range.

Click on image below, or on the link, for the video “Three visible executions od Russian POW done at point-blank range”
[uploaded 28 November 2022]

Three visible executions od Russian POW done at point-blank range

URL: https://theindicter.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Three-visible-executions-done-at-point-blank-range.mp4?_=1



Direct point-blank head shot at Russian prisoner

Click on image below, or on the link, for the video “Three visible executions od Russian POW done at point-blank range”
[uploaded 28 November 2022]

Three visible executions od Russian POW done at point-blank range

URL: https://theindicter.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Direct-point-blank-headshot-on-Russian-POW-Three-execution-cases.mp4?_=2




Clear headshot execution of Russian POW

Click on image below, or on the link, for the video “Clear headshot execution of Russian POW”
[uploaded 27 November 2022]

Clear headshot execution of Russian POW

URL: https://theindicter.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Clear-headshot-execution.mp4?_=3





Four in this group of 7 killed Russian POW exhibit bleeding caused by fatal headshot injury

Click on image below, or on the link, for the video “Four in this group of 7 killed Russian POW exhibit bleeding caused by fatal headshot injury”
[uploaded 27 November 2022]

Four in this group of 7 killed Russian POW exhibit bleeding caused by fatal headshot injury

URL: https://theindicter.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Four-in-this-group-of-7-killed-Russian-POW-exhibit-bleeding-caused-by-fatal-headshot-injury.mp4?_=4





Russian soldiers, unarmed, in captivity by Ukrainian troops. Moments later they will be all executed

Click on image below, or on the link, for the video “Russian soldiers, unarmed, in captivity by Ukrainian troops. Moments later they will be all executed”
[uploaded 26 November 2022]


Russian soldiers, unarmed, in captivity by Ukrainian troops. Moments later they will be all executed





Russian POW executed. Six bodies showing post-mortem bleeding of headshots wounds

Click on image below, or on the link, for the video “Russian POW executed. Six bodies showing post-mortem bleeding of headshots wounds”
[uploaded 26 November 2022]