Search Results For: Assange

Prosecutor Marianne Ny is just embarrassing the Swedish legal system

by Lynn Prentice. Swedish Chief-Prosecutor Ms Marianne Ny With all of the drama surrounding the Wikileaks release of US government diplomatic wires which I and others do not find surprising. What has been intriguing me more is the behavior of Sweden’s chief prosecutor Marianne Ny. The available information on her charges and actions against Julian […]

Whistleblowers expose themselves to considerable risks. They deserve our support

We must stand up for a free debate, the right to privacy, the right to an openness in the workplace and opportunities to demand accountability. By Dr Leif Elinder, Prof Marcello Ferrada de Noli, and Prof Anders Romelsjö. Swedish Doctors for Human Rights (SWEDHR) Whistleblowers are necessary for a vibrant democracy. It’s about people who […]


[Stats 15 November 2023] Our aim is to analyze human right issues with international impact. We also examine and share geopolitical-relevant news about Sweden that otherwise would remain known only by a self-affirming Swedish governing class and commentariat. Conversely, we give interested Swedes an insight on international geopolitical opinions, which the local state-owned and mainstream […]