Search Results For: Assange

Cryptography as Democratic Weapon against Demagoguery

– By Dr. Nozomi Hayase Member of The Indicter’s Editorial Board America has passed the twilight zone. The nomination of Hillary Clinton for the Democratic presidential primary confirmed the charade of US politics. Elections are sold to the highest bidder. No matter how much popular support a candidate like Bernie Sanders might garner, the corporate […]

How To Understand Political Sex Scandal Allegations

How To Understand Political Sex Scandal Allegations By Andrew Kreig. Director of Justice Integrity Project and member of The Indicter Editorial Board. Beginning March 23, the National Enquirer published two major stories claiming that 2016 presidential contender Ted Cruz had had affairs with five women, thereby undermining his claims of conservative, moral leadership. Today’s column […]

Six Year Anniversary of WikiLeaks Collateral Murder; A Celebration of Free Speech

By Nozomi Hayase PhD Member of The Indicter Editorial Board Above, Wikileaks-video “Collateral Damage”. Only this upload by Sunshinepress (there are several others uploads) seen already by over 15 million  among English-speaking Youtube viewers. It produced a markedly change – or statistical significant –  in the public attitude towards the occupation wars in the Midle […]

UK Foreign Minister Hammond’s unqualified defamation of UN legal scholars

by John Goss, Author and member of The Indicter editorial board The United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention after due consideration reached the conclusion that Julian Assange was being ‘arbitrarily detained’, that he should be released, compensated and given back his passport. Our Foreign Secretary, Philip Hammond, did not agree with the decision – […]

Swedish Doctors for Human Rights on biased allegations of ‘war crimes’ put forward by Amnesty International against Russia

By Professor Marcello Ferrada de Noli Ph.D. Chairman, Swedish Doctors for Human Rights (SWEDHR)   I. Introduction   ““It is important to look at the nature of Amnesty itself in terms of the credibility of its reporting. For a large part of this Syria conflict, Amnesty, particularly here in its London office, has made no […]