Imagen above: Book cover of A. Ardin’s book “In Assange’s shadow. My witnessing”.
The Swedish channel TV4 announced the broadcasting of a program with Anna Ardin, the ‘formally’ accuser of Julian Assange in Sweden. As demonstrated in my book “Sweden’s geopolitical case against Assange 2010-1019“, the case was an orchestrated maneuver against the WikiLeaks founder. Swedish prosecutors were obliged to dismiss the phony case after ten years of official, medial, and prosecution harassing of Julian Assange’s human rights.
Earliest in the public implementation of that plot, I published 9 December 2010 in Professors’ blog the piece “CIA connections of Swedish ‘radical feminists’ in the Assange-plot?“, where among other I report that Italian RAI News24 had in its headline, “Anna, the accuser of Assange, ‘CIA spy’ “. I reproduce that publication here after an updated introductory presentation.
“The United States on 10 August urged other nations with forces in Afghanistan, including Australia, United Kingdom and Germany, to consider filing criminal charges against Julian Assange, founder of the rogue WikiLeaks Internet website and responsible for the unauthorized publication of over 70,000 classified documents covering the war in Afghanistan.”
Is there a CIA connection in the Swedish plot agaisnt Assange?
Breaking news from the Italian News Agency RAI News-24 and the Cuban Prensa Latina – and that, needles to say, will not be accounted by the Swedish media – provide now extensive details on the alleged CIA connection of a “Cuban woman” of name “Anna Ardin”, and of her activities in Cuba and Sweden. She is also signaled in those news reports as one of the two women behind the accusations against Julian Assange. The RAI article has the headline “Anna, accusatrice di Assange, ‘spia della Cia’
Author’s update (20 Jan 2021): Similar reports were mentioned in a publication of the main Italian newspaper La Stampa, about the same date as it was given in UmbriaLeft.
La Stampa carries the following sub-headline: L’attivista svedese Anna Ardin e i contatti coi dissidenti cubani sotto la lente di decine di blog «E’ una spia pagata dagli Usa»
However, the reports given on this “collaboration” with CIA published by solid News agencies as RAI or ANSA are so detailed and emphatic, and the possible impact at the base of the case of the Swedish establishment against Assange so aggravating, that in any other Western country it would most certain lead to an investigation from the part of serious and professional journalists. But not in Sweden; and the reason being quite simple: Swedish journalists ARE parts of that establishment. Further, many among them are also adherents – with different degrees of involvement – of the political ideology of feminist fundamentalism. Itsnotorious front liner, lawyer Claes Borgström, is the one who actually took the initiative in labelling the case as “rape” and then pressed the reopening of the “rape” case against Assange).
Hence, it would be fair to assume that this establishment in power would very eagerly pavement the judicial way for the fundamentalist-feminists in moving forward their campaign for enhancing the rape criminal-concept (Borgström and companions), using Assange. It is here where the Assange pilot-case fits in, a case devised to have a free ride in the celebrity locomotive of the recent, highly publicized Wikileaks episodes.
In this case, the Assange accusations would not need such a thing as “perfidy-minded” CIA inventiveness. Christian fundamentalist-feminists have a deceit manual of their own. In other words, Sweden is doing such an excellent job in the smearing-campaign against WikiLeaks and Assange that, in my opinion, CIA would think there is no need at this stage for giving the Swedes an extra hand.
The only crystal clear thing in this affair is that the interests of USA (with or without CIA involvement), the interests of the Swedish political establishment menaced and already hurt by Wikileaks, and the agenda of the Swedish fundamentalist-feminists, indeed converge perfectly in this nasty campaign pursuing the political killing, or just the killing, of Assange.
Cuba Debate, 7 December 2010 (This link functioned 21 January 2021)
Cuba Debate, 10 December 2010(This link functioned 21 January 2021)
The above link functioned 21 January 2021
Click on the image above to read the full article (link retrieved 21 January 2021)

Author’s update (20 Jan 2021): The above link is not anylonger accesible. However, a similar report of the same date is given in UmbriaLeft.
A GRANMA article (Spanish) published yesterday an article authored by the French-Canadian Jean Guy Allard and which is reproduced in full text in this site: