By Prof Marcello Ferrada de Noli, The Indicter editor-in-chief. Editor’s Note: The Telegraph’s exposures in “UK taxpayers’ funding ‘torture and executions’ as government secretly sends millions to foreign courts” caused concern in the international media –although not in Sweden. Russian TV Channel Izvestia asked our chief editor to comment the exposures appeared in The […]
Browsing Category: Human Rights
What the arrest of Assange means for human rights of all
By Prof Marcello Ferrada de Noli, chairman of Swedish Doctors for Human Rights, SWEDHR Outside Westminster Magistrates Court, April 11, 2019. Photo by Erik Sanberg, Associate Editor at The Indicter Magazine We have repeatedly expounded the issue of right to existence as the primary of all human rights, and of human rights for all. War […]
Assange’s integrity remains unwavering in the face of heightened threats to his health, safety and freedom
What is the Assange case all about? By Prof. Marcello Ferrada de Noli . It is about the situation of the publisher of an important news outlet, where the information “goal is justice, the method is transparency”. A recently published story in Newsweek, headed “Prosecuting Assange is Essential for Restoring our National Security”, carries […]
Court Grants Julian Assange Freedom Just As U.S. Ramps Up Claims
By Andrew Kreig J.D., M.S.L., attorney and journalist. Director of JIP, Member of the Editorial Board, and Associate Editor at The Indicter Magazine. Julian Assange, center, at Ecuador’s Embassy (Photo Collage by The Indicter Magazine) A major international human rights body has ordered the United Kingdom to free WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange for safe passage […]
UN ‘Joint Investigative Mechanism’ report on Khan Shaykhun proven inaccurate, politically biased
By Marcello Ferrada de Noli, professor emeritus. Chair, Swedish Doctors for Human Rights. Editor’s note: This analysis is also found as official document of the UN Security Council, Doc S/2017/1010. /Dr Lena Oske, editor Introduction Carl von Clausewitz (1780–1831) [1] meant that war is the continuation of politics by other means. Instead in this modern […]
Peace Is A Revolutionary Force
By Nozomi Hayase, Ph.D. Member of The Indicter Editorial Board. “The most disciplined Gandhian project since Gandhi” (J. Assange on Catalonia). As Trump’s dangerous move on Iran’s nuclear deal and his provocative reaction to North Korea undercut diplomacy, tension is rising for World War III. Discord in the international community has been amplified in conflicts […]
Extraordinary renditions and arbitrary detentions
By Professor Marcello Ferrada de Noli, Chair, Swedish Professors & Doctors for Human Rights. Image above, from The New Yorker article by Jane Mayer, “Outsourcing Torture“ As a legalized concept of international acceptance, Human Rights is considered a ’modern’ instrument, brought by the United Nations in 1948 after the ‘horrors of the Second World War’. […]
Prisoners exchange in the Ukraine. Conflict is a human rights issue
By Prof. Marcello Ferrada de Noli, PhD. Chair, Swedish Professors and Doctors for Human Rights –SWEDHR. Ukraine and the Democratic Republics of Donetsk and Luhansk should pursue a prompt solution for the prisoners exchange. From an international legislation perspective, the exchange of prisoners should not be viewed as an issue of war-behaviour primarily focused on […]
Sweden inflicted Trial by Media against Julian Assange
By Professor Marcello Ferrada de Noli* Contents: i) Introduction. Aims ii) Background A: The “duck pond”. Some aspects on the situation of Swedish journalists, iii) Background B: Sweden is not neutral. Media reports are mainly uniform, iv) The trial by media against Assange: a) Erroneous and information and deployment of disinformation, b) systematic omission of relevant information, c) character […]