Browsing Category: Human Rights

Anna Ardin signaled ‘CIA spy’ amidst NATO-Sweden’s plot against Assange

Imagen above: Book cover of A. Ardin’s book “In Assange’s shadow. My witnessing”. The Swedish channel TV4 announced the broadcasting of a program with Anna Ardin, the ‘formally’ accuser of Julian Assange in Sweden. As demonstrated in my book “Sweden’s geopolitical case against Assange 2010-1019“, the case was an orchestrated maneuver against the WikiLeaks founder. […]

The Indicter Magazine reaches half million viewers

Updated stats, 19 October 2020 By Dr Lena Oske, MD, Acting Editor of the Indicter Magazine Our aim is to analyze human right issues with international impact. We also examine and share geopolitical-relevant news about Sweden that otherwise would remain known only by a self-affirming Swedish governing class and commentariat. Conversely, we give interested Swedes […]

Sweden’s wiretapping of immigrants not suspected of any crime, is against human & civil rights

By Prof. Marcello Ferrada de Noli, chief editor Sweden’s Police vice-commander has put forward a proposition to legislate a new form of wiretapping, in order to combat the rising criminality in the country, which the authorities emphasize it refers primarily to gang criminality, or “clan-criminality” among immigrants. This new wiretapping system is to be used […]

Professor Marcello Ferrada de Noli: “Sweden could perfectly have avoided its catastrophe”

By Marisol Aliaga, chief editor of Magazin Latino, Sweden. [This is a machine-translation from the original text published in Spanish] In an interview with Magazin Latino, epidemiology expert Marcello Ferrada de Noli affirms that “the herd immunity strategy managed by the Swedish authorities has caused five times more deaths in Sweden than in all neighboring […]

Swedish journalists infringing Universal Declaration of Human Rights on Freedom of Expression Regardless of Frontiers

By Marcello Ferrada de Noli, Swedish professor emeritus of public health sciences esp. epidemiology, former Research Fellow at Harvard Medical School. A Swedish professor Cecilia Soderberg-Naucler has been harshly criticized for sharing an article on Sweden’s failed coronavirus strategy not because of its content, but because it was published by RT. An exceptionally talented Swedish […]

Psychological Torture of Assange – Open Letter to Amnesty International Sweden by Swedish Doctors for Human Rights (SWEDHR)

To: Ms Amanda Jackson, Chair of the Board at Amnesty International Sweden. CC: Ms Margot Wallström, Swedish Foreign Minister; Prof Nils Melzer, UNHRC. From: Prof Marcello Ferrada de Noli, chair; Prof Anders Romelsjö, vice-chair, SWEDHR. Subject: Psychological torture of Julian Assange. Enclosures: Prof Nils Melzer’s report and follow-up letter.   Dear Madam Chairman, The United […]

UK government financing torture and executions

  By Prof Marcello Ferrada de Noli, The Indicter editor-in-chief. Editor’s Note: The Telegraph’s exposures in “UK taxpayers’ funding ‘torture and executions’ as government secretly sends millions to foreign courts” caused concern in the international media –although not in Sweden. Russian TV Channel Izvestia asked our chief editor to comment the exposures appeared in The […]