Browsing Category: SWEDHR

Part 4. SWEDHR analyses on the Khan Shaykhun and Sarmin allegations by the White Helmets were correct and verifiable. Debunking Kragh’s & Shyrokykh’s disinformation

Part 4 in the series “Karina Shyrokykh & Martin Kragh Disinforming About Disinformation”* (Part 1 here) (Part 2 here) (Part 3 here) By Marcello Ferrada de Noli. Professor Emeritus of Epidemiology, esp. injury epidemiology, MED.DR. (Karolinska Institute, Sweden). Founder, Swedish Professors and Doctors for Human Rights (SWEDHR) Setting the record straight about 1) What The […]

Poltava’s geopolitical aftermath and the warmongering of Swedish elites

By Prof. Marcello Ferrada de Noli Doctor of Medicine in psychiatry, professor emeritus of epidemiology. Founder, Swedish Professors and Doctors for Human Rights SWEDHR (From the coming book Sweden’s Geopolitical Campaign, Libertarian Books Sweden, 2021. ISBN 978-91-88747-25-9) PART I Propaganda for war by proxy: Rebuttal to Martin Kragh’s flawed analysis in Swedish J Social Sciences […]

The Indicter Magazine reaches half million viewers

Updated stats, 19 October 2020 By Dr Lena Oske, MD, Acting Editor of the Indicter Magazine Our aim is to analyze human right issues with international impact. We also examine and share geopolitical-relevant news about Sweden that otherwise would remain known only by a self-affirming Swedish governing class and commentariat. Conversely, we give interested Swedes […]

OPCW first director-general on a call for ‘greater transparency’ at the organization. Letter also endorsed by SWEDHR

Statement by Brazilian diplomat Jose Bustani, OPCW first director-genera, at the meeting of the UN Security Council conveyed to discuss the Syrian chemical dossier and the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons.  TRANSCRIPT Mr Chairman, Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia, your excellencies, distinguished delegates, ladies and gentlemen, My name is José Bustani. I am honoured to […]

Refuting the Coda Story’s narrative on Swedish Doctors for Human Rights

By Adam Larson This op-ed article originally appeared 8 Feb 2020 in  Lybiancivilwar. Let me state clearly at the outset that the lame hit-piece article I’ll be ripping apart is roughly TWO YEARS OLD. I am not trying to deceive anyone about the article’s currency, to distract from anything else, or whatever.It was simply brought […]

Interference by journalists on sovereign opinions of professors, academics, and independent researchers, comprise infringements to Art 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

By Professor Marcello Ferrada de Noli.   In a recent [2] and controversial [3] story by Senior Editor Chris York,  the Huffington Post outbursts anew a worrisome attack against a dissident group of UK academics and researchers nucleated at the Working Group on Syria, Propaganda and Media. Embedded in this assault, as in others of […]

Psychological Torture of Assange – Open Letter to Amnesty International Sweden by Swedish Doctors for Human Rights (SWEDHR)

To: Ms Amanda Jackson, Chair of the Board at Amnesty International Sweden. CC: Ms Margot Wallström, Swedish Foreign Minister; Prof Nils Melzer, UNHRC. From: Prof Marcello Ferrada de Noli, chair; Prof Anders Romelsjö, vice-chair, SWEDHR. Subject: Psychological torture of Julian Assange. Enclosures: Prof Nils Melzer’s report and follow-up letter.   Dear Madam Chairman, The United […]

Why Ecuador Foreign Minister is wrong about Assange’s situation – SWEDHR

WikiLeaks breaking news on Twitter April 4, 2019 announced: “A high level source within the Ecuadorian state has told @WikiLeaks that Julian Assange will be expelled within “hours to days” using the INAPapers offshore scandal as a pretext–and that it already has an agreement with the UK for his arrest.” In the morning of April […]

SWEDHR Board of Directors ref. misattributed statements on White Helmets and alleged gas attacks in Syria

By Professor Emeritus, med. dr.  Marcello Ferrada de Noli, chairman; Professor Emeritus, med. dr. Anders Romelsjö, vice-chairman; Chief physician, med. dr. Alberto Gutiérrez Mardones; Chief physician Ove Johansson, MD; Chief physician, specialist Dr Lena Oske, MD; Specialist Dr Leif Elinder, MD; Specialist Dr Martin Gelin, Dental Surgeon. On behalf of SWEDHR Board of Directors. I SWEDHR have […]

Replying to Expressen editorial on SWEDHR independent, fact-based stances

  SWEDHR chair answers to Expressen’s editorial by Patrik Oksanen: [A Swedish version (original) of the text below is found in SWEDHR Research & Reports] An editorial in Swedish newspaper Expressen December 31, 2017, authored by Patrik Oksanen, contains inaccurate information regarding Swedish Doctors for Human Rights (SWEDHR), and about me personally. 1. SWEDHR has […]