Browsing Category: Ukraine

Sweden: Reasons given to enter NATO, a contradiction of terms

It is safe to say that Swedish oligarch sectors have a first say in the strategic decisions entailing the geopolitical positions of Sweden. Among the most representatives are the arms-export sector and others in the heavy industy, added the MSM and culture monopoles. The two last mentioned are characterized by a profound warmonger behaviour and […]

NATO’s use of White Helmets in Ukraine

NB: Russian news company MIC Izvestia interviewed The Indicter’s editor-in-chief, Prof Marcello Ferrada de Noli –via Skype 28 Apr 2022. Here below a transcription of his replies. Links added. Featured image, photo montage by the Indicter. /Prof Ivonne Fontaine, Indicter editors team. Izvestia –Will it be possible that White helmets may participate in Ukraine? Prof […]