Gilets Jaunes Referendum by Initiative of Citizens (RIC): Push to Revive a Democracy

By Gilbert Mercier   The illusion of democracy The Gilets Jaunes movement took most observers and so-called experts in France and worldwide entirely by surprise, but it was actually completely predictable. The crisis simmered below the radars of France’s politicians, media, as well as those who considered themselves the enlightened figures of the intelligentsia for […]

Assange’s integrity remains unwavering in the face of heightened threats to his health, safety and freedom

  What is the Assange case all about? By Prof. Marcello Ferrada de Noli . It is about the situation of the publisher of an important news outlet, where the information “goal is justice, the method is transparency”. A recently published story in Newsweek, headed “Prosecuting Assange is Essential for Restoring our National Security”, carries […]

How UK’s Integrity [disinformation] Initiative backfires?

  By Marcello Ferrada de Noli, Professor Emeritus, Swedish Doctors for Human Rights (SWEDHR) chair.   ………………………………………. Editor’s Note: Sputnik International asked SWEDHR chairman his opinion around the issue “How will the revelation of the UK Integrity Initiative project’s existence affect UK’s relationship with Europe and particularly with Russia? Excerpts of the interview statements has […]

Con Bautista van Schouwen

New book release by Libertarian Books, the publisher of The Indicter Magazine. Con Bautista van Schouwen – Marcello Ferrada de Noli Read the book in full text here: Quick download the book here:   Con Bautista van Schouwen – Marcello Ferrada de Noli- Link to the book, full text [Spanish text]:   The young Chilean […]

Personal testimony by a revolutionary professor on the military coup in Chile – By Prof Anders Romelsjö

Image above published by Italian newspaper L’Eco di Bergamo. Translated caption: “An historical photo. A young Marcello Ferrada de Noli together with other Resistance members at the prisoner’s camp of Quiriquina Island”. Professor Med Dr Anders Romelsjö: “It’s high time to spread this unique report by my friend and colleague, Professor Emeritus Marcello Ferrada de […]

The Iranians are in Syria legally, while U.S. occupation troops are there illegally

– On Russia’s decision to deliver S-300 air defense system to Syria   Editor’s Note: Prof. Marcello Ferrada de Noli, our editor-in-chief, was interviewed by Sputnik International 25 Sept 2018. Here below some edited excerpts. The original interview was published by Sputnik International, headed “S-300 Deliveries May Help Deter Any Power to Strike Syria – […]