MARTIN KRAGH’S FALSEHOODS Comments on Kragh, Martin, ” ’Martin Kragh är ett demokratiskt problem’. Hur Aftonbladet gav spridning åt en rysk påverkansoperation” . Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift · Årgång 122 · 2020 / 3 | Retrieved 23 March 2021 By Prof. Marcello Ferrada de Noli Doctor of Medicine in psychiatry, professor emeritus of epidemiology. Founder, Swedish Professors […]
The role of the BBC in the state-sponsored persecution of Julian Assange. Part 1
By Nina Cross Acting chief editor of The Indicter This is the first of two articles analysing the role of the BBC in the state-sponsored persecution of Julian Assange. It analyses how the British government used the BBC to present Assange as a criminal following his arrest on 11th April 2019. It then examines how […]
Redeem American Ideals: US Government Must End the Political Prosecution of Julian Assange
“On this Fourth of July weekend, the American people have opportunities to demonstrate our patriotism by standing up for the freedom of Julian Assange. As we celebrate Independence Day, we can remember the plight of a journalist who will be spending his 50th birthday in isolation inside a prison cell.” By Dr Nozomi Hayase Member […]
Geopolitics of the immoral pandemic
An epidemiological and geopolitical analysis of Western powers illicit campaigns in the COVID-19 vaccine front By Marcello Ferrada de Noli, Swedish professor emeritus of epidemiology, former research fellow at Harvard Medical School, and founder of the geopolitical magazine The Indicter. It is said that Nikita Khruschev once stated, “The survivors would envy the dead”. Nevertheless […]
The Indicter’s chief editor files article in Swedish newspaper SvD at Mediaombudsmannen
Report to Medieombudsmannen ref. article in Swedish paper SvD on AstraZeneca vaccine international setbacks: Defamatory, untrue, misses journalistic ethics. A true example of character execution. By Professor Marcello Ferrada de Noli. Doctor of medicine in psychiatry. Prof. Emeritus of Public-Health Epidemiology. Chief editor of The Indicter Magazine Contents Summary: Introduction. The case “Role” [a], […]
Assange in Belmarsh – An Illusion of Care
This article is concerned with the way Julian Assange, founder of Wikileaks, was isolated inside the healthcare unit of category A Belmarsh prison over a period of months following his imprisonment in April 2019. Assange was admitted into the unit in April, readmitted at the end of May and placed in effective solitary confinement in […]
Unethical stance of Western pharmaceutical corporations on the issue of vaccines patent waiver
Fresh reports on the real mortality toll caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, added galloping upsurge of new infections in widely populated regions, call urgently all governments to institute this one and only priority: To drastically expand and increase the vaccination programs worldwide, by using all available brands. This, regardless of unethical geopolitical discriminations, and nevertheless […]
Six years after our analysis “Severe tensions between Nato, Russia and Ukraine could lead to a greater war”
A widening of the conflict in Ukraine could take Europe to the verge of a much greater war. Therefore there are human rights concerns over a wide-ranging escalation of the current Nato-Russian conflict. Even if a greater war would be avoided, the expected civilian loses and corresponding suffering in a variety of countries affected by […]
A comparison of the problematic side effects of Covid-19 vaccines in a geopolitical context
By Marcello Ferrada de Noli, professor emeritus of epidemiology (Sweden), former Research Fellow at Harvard Medical School. Viewed epidemiologically, fast global vaccination is necessary to contain the spread of Covid-19. The world is failing miserably on this by allowing its response to be guided by corporations, politicians and mainstream media. Unfortunately, this global challenge has not […]
Which security companies have transferred Assange to court?
When is a dangerous flight risk not a dangerous flight risk? A look at who escorts Julian Assange to court –and back to Belmarsh prison… By Nina Cross Information about Assange’s escort arrangements to and from category A Belmarsh prison for many of his court hearings over the last two years raises some questions. An […]