By Adam Larson Editor’s note: A complete version of Adam Larson’s in-depth analysis on the Douma chemical massacre of 7 April 2018, can be found at Monitor on Massacre Marketing. WARNING: GRAPHIC IMAGES The latest report from the OPCW’s Investigation and Identification Team (IIT) on the 2018 Douma chemical massacre maintains the blame on Syria’s […]
What the Ukraine war means for Russia
By Viсtor vicktop55 Editor´s note: We present here the opinion of a much-read Russian independent journalist in the on-line sphere, Viktor (Ви́ктор in Russian). His followers in Telegram and Tweeter amount to nearly 40,000. This although his account has on some occasions been suspended, shadowed, or banned. Along the year of this war, his analyses […]
Behind the masks of the Maidan revolution
By Prof Marcello Ferrada de Noli, chief-editor The Indicter here republish the documentary by Paul Moreira, “Les Masques de la Révolution – (The Masks of the Revolution”), which describes dramatic situations around the Maidan revolt, the participation of Nazi formations, the 2014 coup orchestrated by the US Department of State –in particular Victoria Nuland’s prominent […]
War Crimes report: The executions of Russian POW by Ukraine troops
By Prof. Marcello Ferrada de Noli, Founder of Swedish Professors & Doctors for Human Rights – SWEDHR This SWEDHR report documenting executions of Russian POW by Ukraine forces, includes the complete series of previous published videos in The Indicter Channel at YouTube, some of which have later been deleted by You Tube. Separate episodes have […]
The new executions of Russian prisoners by Ukraine forces. Second Part
Documenting War Crimes Uploaded by Prof Marcello Ferrada de Noli, SWEDHR Warning for rough scenes Click on the link below: Second Part of series New Excecutions of Russian POWs by Ukraine forces-High-128k Or try [Age restricted] First part of this sequence, here: New point-blank executions of Russian prisoners by Ukraine forces.
New point-blank executions of Russian prisoners by Ukraine forces. First Part.
SWEDHR documenting war crimes Posted by Prof. Marcello Ferrada de Noli Click on the link below for the first part of this video sequence: New executions of Russian prisoners-iPad-1080p Watch the first part of this sequence here: New point-blank executions of Russian prisoners by Ukraine forces. First Part. For other video-materials documenting similar […]
Broken promises –The illicit, unethical eastward expansion of NATO
The Indicter publishes declassified documents released by the National Security Archive*, which clearly debunk the narrative “guarantees to the Soviet/Russia leaders were never issued” in regards to Nato expansion eastwards. Click on image above for video Michail Gorbachev discussing German unification with Hans-Dietrich Genscher and Helmut Kohl in Russia, July 15, 1990. Photo: Bundesbildstelle / […]
Nomination of Julian Assange for Nobel Peace Prize 2023
. By Prof Marcello Ferrada de Noli. The Norwegian Nobel Institute today confirmed [see below] they have received my nomination of Julian Paul Assange for the Nobel Peace Prize 2023. The submission process required a motivation for the nomination, limited to 2,000 characters inclusive spaces [Doc. 1 Motivation]. An extra PDF document was attached to […]
Fidel, Marti and Cuba’s contribution to the world
By Tim Anderson, Ph.D., Frm. Senior Lecturer at Sydney University The unique historical experience of Cuba cannot be copied anywhere, but the small nation does offer the world some tremendous lessons in values of humanist socialism combined with anti-imperialist thought and practice. Much of this owes to Fidel Castro’s unique, applied “synthesis of the ideas […]
Ukraine forces’ executions of 30 Russian POW. Most of them (n= 24) murdered with point-blank headshots
What further ‘investigations’ by the UN HR-Commissioner would be needed to delay the condemnation of these Ukraine’s deeds as war-crimes, as specified by the Geneva Convention? It is all on these videos! By Prof Marcello Ferrada de Noli Introduction Despite a dedicated searching, I was not able to find any video-documentation regarding killings of Ukrainian […]