By Prof. Marcello Ferrada de Noli Chair, Swedish Professors and Doctor for Human Rights – SWEDHR I address here some problems in the Ukraine-war media coverage currently practiced in Sweden. I will also refer to the consequences that such biased media coverage has for the security of individuals and organizations which have been critical to […]
The UK Ministry of Defence Responds on The Training Programme for Ukrainians
By Nina Cross, from The Indicter editorial team. In our first article we addressed the Johnson government’s programme for the military training of Ukrainian new recruits in the UK. We expressed our concern that those being sent back to Ukraine to fight on the frontlines against Russian artillery were being fast-tracked to a high probability […]
Is the British government at war with Russia?
By Nina Cross, from The Indicter editors’ team. The British government is at war with Russia. It makes gestures at Vladimir Putin and calls him names from behind a great wall of Ukrainian corpses. The most recent demonstration of this is the military training programme, set up in the UK by the outgoing Prime […]
Sweden: Reasons given to enter NATO, a contradiction of terms
It is safe to say that Swedish oligarch sectors have a first say in the strategic decisions entailing the geopolitical positions of Sweden. Among the most representatives are the arms-export sector and others in the heavy industy, added the MSM and culture monopoles. The two last mentioned are characterized by a profound warmonger behaviour and […]
Britain’s Imperialist House of Commons is a House of Horrors
By Nina Cross. The sprint for the biggest NATO swat spot: How much do British people realise that not just their government but the entirety the House of Commons is in a proxy war with Russia through Ukraine, either aggressively cheerleading from the front or, in a few cases, forced to capitulate? In fact, the […]
NATO: Sweden Navigates Dangerous Waters
NB: This article was first published in Consortium News By Marcello Ferrada de Noli in Stockholm Special to Consortium News It is not just the politicians in the Riksdag who must decide what risks there are in NATO membership There is a fundamental paradox within NATO between rights and responsibilities that has often been misinterpreted. […]
The mass killing in Odessa by Ukrainian far right ultra nationalists
The Indicter editorial, by Nina Cross. We remember today the people who died in the massacre of May 2nd 2014 in the House of Trade Unions in Odessa, Ukraine. Today marks exactly eight years since the mass killing by Ukrainian radical nationalist groups of Odessan residents who rejected the instalment of a US-backed government in […]
NATO’s use of White Helmets in Ukraine
NB: Russian news company MIC Izvestia interviewed The Indicter’s editor-in-chief, Prof Marcello Ferrada de Noli –via Skype 28 Apr 2022. Here below a transcription of his replies. Links added. Featured image, photo montage by the Indicter. /Prof Ivonne Fontaine, Indicter editors team. Izvestia –Will it be possible that White helmets may participate in Ukraine? Prof […]
The persecution of Assange is only the beginning of a vengeful overt war on journalism
Through the pretext of ‘Russian disinformation about Ukraine’, we are now witness to the secrecy-obsessed collapsing empire’s contempt for its own people as the US, EU and Britain shut down media outlets that might challenge their message: we must loathe Russia and want its destruction. The Indicter editorial, by Nina Cross .Today, 11th April 2022, […]
Questions Abound About Bucha Massacre
The West has made a snap judgment about who is responsible for the massacre at the Ukrainian town of Bucha with calls for more stringent sanctions on Russia, but the question of guilt is far from decided, writes Joe Lauria. By Joe Lauria * Within hours of news Sunday that there had been a massacre […]